Our mission is simple, to maximise the equity in your home, and make sure you benefit financially as far as possible if and when you either decide to sell your home, or need to sell to meet other costs, such as care home fees.
The partners at Regius homes have been involved with property for over 20 years, in areas ranging from estate agency to design and development. We have used that experience to produce average equity increases in excess of £60,000. Our business model now is to share that equity increase with homeowners.
Unfortunately, Government legislation now means that if you own your own home you are likely to have to pay for your own care fees. If the council agrees that you need to move into a care home, you will usually have a financial assessment to work out whether they will help you to pay your care home fees. This looks at how much income and capital you have – this may or may not include the value of your property. Currently, if you have assets in excess £23,250, you will normally have to pay the full cost of care home fees. With residential homes fees averaging £720, and nursing home fees averaging £1000 per week in the Greater London and South East (LaingBuisson, 2017), it’s easy to see how quickly all those years of investment can be eaten into.
Fortunately, there are circumstances where you won’t have to sell your home, but if you do Regius homes wants to help.
We are all aware of estate agency terms such as, ‘needs improvement’, ‘opportunity to increase value’, ‘in need of modernisation’, but what they’re actually saying is ‘buy this house and make some money’. Money that you would never see, until now.
Regius homes is offering a development partnership with homeowners, something we’ve coined ‘ethical development’. You will retain ownership of your property, with an agreement to sell your home once works are completed. We will employ RICS surveyors to ensure a fair valuation, which we will guarantee regardless of sale price. We will then do what we do best, maximise the potential in your home. All elements from planning, and architects, to landscaping will be managed by us. Our qualified tradespeople will complete all works efficiently and to the highest standard. What’s more Regius homes will meet all the costs involved. When it comes to selling, we’ll even meet half the estate agent’s fees, saving you on average £3600.
Once a sale is agreed the process is simple. You will receive in full the agreed guaranteed value of your property. Regius homes will then receive all our costs back, naturally we provide all our accounts so that you can verify our expenditure. Anything that’s left is the equity increase, half of this is paid to Regius homes in the form of a consultancy fee. There should be no capital gains to be paid when selling your primary home, so any equity increase should be tax free to you.
You may be concerned about how long this will take, who will pay for my care home costs in the meantime. Don’t worry, depending on your financial situation, we can pay up to 100% of your care home fees until a sale on your property is completed. There will be a small interest charge, but we mean small. Typically, no more than 4% per year. So, if Regius homes paid your care home fees for 6 months, the charge would be around 2%.
How much could you benefit? Whilst we’ve averaged £60,000 equity increase, actual figures range from £20,000 to as much as £180,000. We have never lost money on any development. Whether you use this money to pay for longer care, improve the quality of home or care you’re receiving, or just to provide an inheritance for your loved ones, the choice is yours.
You may be asking yourself why we don’t just buy your property and make all the money ourselves. Well, in the past we have, but this to us at this time seems more appropriate. There are some advantages to us as a business, but we mostly see this as an ethical way to move forward.
If you, or your family think that shared equity increase with Regius homes is of interest, then please contact us for more details.
For a detailed example of how the finances work, and why it's beneficial to us and you, click on the link on the right hand side, titled FIND OUT MORE.
For a detailed example of how the finances work, and why it's beneficial to us and you, click on the link below
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